Author: Zhao, L.
Paper Title Page
MOPME046 Preliminary Experimental Results of Axial B-dot Measuring Beam Tilt 577
  • X. He, Q. Li, C. Ma, J. Pang, L. Zhao
    CAEP/IFP, Mainyang, Sichuan, People's Republic of China
  Funding: This work is under the support of NSFC project No. 11175166
Beam monitors sensitive to the beam's azimuthal B-dot field (sometimes referred as B-dots) are widly used to measure the displacement of beam centroid, as the beam generates a dipole term of the azimuthal magnetic field. The authors have pointd out that the similar B-dots sensitive to axial magnetic field can be used to measure the beam tilt directly in earlier work. A monitor which consists of four azimuthal B-dots and four axial B-dos is designed and fabricated. The monitor was tested on a coaxial calibration stand, which has a character resistance of 50 Ohm. Two position tuners are installed on the calibration stand, to adjust the position and the tilt of the inner conductor. Experiments show that the axial B-dot monitor can be successfully used to measure the tilt of the inner conductor directly.