Author: Yu, X.L.
Paper Title Page
TUPWA024 The Beam Gass Coulomb Scattering in Electron Storage Ring 1778
  • X.L. Yu, Z. Bai, W.W. Gao, W. Li, L. Wang
    USTC/NSRL, Hefei, Anhui, People's Republic of China
  Among the various factors which determine the beam life time of the HLSII electron storage ring, the beam loss due to the scattering on residual gas is simulated using MC method. The paper will give the process of elastic and inelastic scattering, and the probability of each scattering is calculated, then using MC sampling to decide which particles will participate in the collision. Tracking the beam with scattering of beam-gas included, the spatial distribution of beam will be obtained. Finally we will give the influence analysis of beam-gas scattering.