Author: Yeremian, A.D.
Paper Title Page
WEPFI084 High Power S-band RF Window Optimized to Minimize Electric and Magnetic Field on the Surface 2893
  • A.D. Yeremian, V.A. Dolgashev, S.G. Tantawi
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: * Work Supported by Doe Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515
RF windows are used to separate vacuum from atmosphere in high power microwave systems, such as klystrons. RF breakdowns in these megawatt power environments are frequent and problematic. And S-band RF window was designed to have reduced electric and magnetic field in the ceramic and waveguide joints. Specifically the normal component of the electric field on the ceramic is minimized and a traveling wave is created inside the ceramic by optimizing the shape of the window and the geometry of the joint between the circular waveguide to the rectangular waveguide. A prototype of this window in the process of being made at SLAC for high power tests.