Author: Yang, Y.
Paper Title Page
MOPME054 Bunch-by-bunch Beam Position and Charge Monitor based on Broadband Scope in SSRF 595
  • Y. Yang, Y.B. Leng, Y.B. Yan, N. Zhang
    SSRF, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  A bunch-by-bunch beam position and charge monitor system, based on a broadband oscilloscope, has been developed at SSRF. The beam positions of each bunch could be located independently in this system by using the original signals from the button-type pickups on the storage ring. The relative charge of each bunch could be obtained by the sum signal from the pickups. Using sum weighted average method, turn-by-turn beam position could be got from the bunch-by-bunch beam position data. The difference of each bunch beam position have been observed during injection at SSRF.