Author: Xia, W.L.
Paper Title Page
MOPEA039 Beam Commissioning and Neutron Radiography on a High Current Deuteron RFQ 163
  • Y.R. Lu, J. Chen, J.E. Chen, S.L. Gao, Z.Y. Guo, F.J. Jia, G. Liu, S.X. Peng, H.T. Ren, W.L. Xia, X.Q. Yan, K. Zhu
    PKU, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  • S.Q. Liu, S. Wang, J. Zhao, B.Y. Zou
    State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Beijing, Haidian District, People's Republic of China
  Funding: Supported by NSFC 11079001 and Peking University
The high current deuteron RFQ has been developed and widely used in many projects, especially for accelerator based neutron source and its application. This paper reviews not only the recent developments in the world wide, also presents the beam dynamics, structure design ,RF full power test, beam commissioning of PKUNIFTY, which is consisted of a high current very compact ECR source, a 201.5MHz four-rod deuteron RFQ, thicker beryllium target and its moderating, collimation and neutron radiography system. RF and beam commissioning with duty cycle of 4% show the RFQ inter-vane voltage reaches 70kV at about 240kW, the delivered deuteron peak beam current is about 12mA at 290kW with the beam transmission of about 60%. The improvement of transmission is going on. The initial neutron radiography commissioning has been carried out. The results will promote the future development of small accelerator based neutron source.
MOPFI033 Commissioning Results and Progress of a Helium Injector for Coupled RFQ and SFRFQ Project at Peking University 357
  • J. Chen, J.E. Chen, S.L. Gao, Z.Y. Guo, Y.T. Luo, S.X. Peng, H.T. Ren, Z. Wang, Z.H. Wang, W.L. Xia, Y. Xu, A.L. Zhang, T. Zhang, J. Zhao
    PKU, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  At Peking University (PKU) a new helium injector for coupled radio frequency quadrupole(RFQ) and separated function radio frequency quadrupole(SFRFQ) within one cavity, so called as coupled RFQ & SFRFQ, was designed recently*. It will provide a 30keV 20mA He+ beam whose emittance is less than 0.15 π.mm.mrad for the accelerator. It is a combination of a 2.45GHz PKU PMECRIS (Permanent Magnet ECRIS) and a 1.16 m long LEBT. Within the 1.16 m LEBT, 2 solenoids, 2 steering magnets, a kicker, a space charge compensation section, a collimator, two vacuum valves, a Faraday cup and an ACCT are installed. The manufacture has been completed and the commissioning is on the way. In this paper we will address the commissioning results and its progress.
* Haitao Ren, et al., A Helium Injector for Coupled RFQ and SFRFQ Cavity Project at Peking University. Proc. LINAC’12, Paper TUPB034, Israel, 2012
TUPWA023 Design of the Tuning System for the He+ Coupled RFQ-SFRFQ Cavity 1775
  • W.L. Xia, J.E. Chen, S.L. Gao, Z.Y. Guo, Y.R. Lu, S.X. Peng, Z. Wang, X.Q. Yan, J. Zhao, K. Zhu
    PKU, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  Funding: Supported by NSFC 10905003, 11079001, 91026012 Corresponding author:
The CRS (coupled RFQ-SFRFQ) cavity is a new type linac that couples traditional RFQ (radio frequency quadrupole) and SFRFQ (separated function RFQ) electrodes into a single cavity. The overall design of the CRS cavity has been completed and the linac is being manufactured currently. In this paper, we aimed to design a frequency tuning system for the CRS cavity, which will be used to explore the electromagnetic field distribution between RFQ and SFRFQ sections in the cavity. The frequency range, variation of Q value, power consumption and electric field distribution were investigated. Based on the beam dynamic program SFRFQDYNv1.0, we analysed the beam transmission properties of the cavity under the unbalanced electric field distribution. The optimized parameters of the tuning system were obtained.