Author: Wu, W.
Paper Title Page
THPEA057 Compensation Schemes for Operation of FEL Wigglers on Duke Storage Ring 3270
  • J.Y. Li, H. Hao, S.F. Mikhailov, V. Popov, W. Wu, Y.K. Wu
    FEL/Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA
  Funding: This work is supported in part by the US DOE grant no. DE-FG02-97ER41033.
The Duke FEL is the photon driver for the High Intensity Gamma-ray Source (HIGS). To extend the capabilities of the FEL and HIGS to higher photon energy regions, a FEL wiggler switchyard system was developed in the recent years. This system was installed and commissioned in 2012. The FEL wiggler switchyard is used to change between two planar OK-4 wigglers and two helical OK-5 wigglers in the middle of the FEL straight section in a short period of time (a few days). With a total of six electromagnetic wigglers, the Duke FEL can be operated in a number of wiggler configurations and with a wide range of magnetic fields. The operation of uncompensated FEL wigglers can cause significant changes to the electron beam closed orbit and magnetic lattice. To maintain a sufficiently large dynamic aperture for an efficient injection and good beam lifetime, a set of complex compensation schemes, including magnetic field and lattice compensation, have been developed for the operation of the FEL wigglers. This paper reports the overall architecture and performance of the FEL wiggler compensation schemes and their implementation in the accelerator controls system using the feedforward mechanism.