Author: Wang, D.
Paper Title Page
THPFI010 High Energy RF Deflectors for the FERMI@Elettra project 3309
  • M. Dal Forno, S. Biedron, D. Castronovo, P. Craievich, S. Di Mitri, D. La Civita, G. Penco, M. Petronio, F. Pradal, L. Rumiz, L. Sturari, D. Wang, D. Zangrando
    Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Basovizza, Italy
  • P. Craievich
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  • M. Dal Forno, M. Petronio, R. Vescovo
    University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
  • N. Faure
  Measuring and controlling the longitudinal phase space and the time-slice emittance of the electron bunch at 1.2 GeV entering in the undulator beam-lines, is crucial to obtain high FEL performances. In the FERMI@Elettra machine, two RF deflecting cavities have been installed at the end of the linac, in order to stretch the electron bunch horizontally and vertically, respectively. The two cavities are individually powered by the same klystron and a switch system is used to choose the deflection plane. This paper reports the RF measurements carried out during the acceptance test, the RF conditioning including the breakdown rate measurements. Finally, the commissioning with electron beam of the deflecting structure and a comparison of the measured electron bunch length evaluated by using the two deflectors are also reported.