Author: Shkitov, D.A.
Paper Title Page
MOPME049 Status of Non-destructive Bunch Length Measurement based on Coherent Cherenkov Radiation 583
  • H.X. Deng, S.L. Lu, T. Yu, J.B. Zhang
    SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  • G.A. Naumenko, A. Potylitsyn, M.V. Shevelev, D.A. Shkitov
    TPU, Tomsk, Russia
  Funding: This work was supported by the joint Russian-Chinese grant (RFBR 110291177 and NSFC 11111120065) and partially by the Program of Russian MES “Nauka” and the Chinese NSFC 11175240.
As a novel non-destructive bunch length diagnostic of the electron beam, an experimental observation of the coherent Cherenkov radiation generated from a dielectric caesium iodide crystal with large spectral dispersion was proposed for the 30MeV femtosecond linear accelerator at Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP). In this paper, the theoretical design, the experimental setup, the terahertz optics, the first angular distribution observations of the coherent Cherenkov radiation, and the future plans are presented.
* Shevelev M. et al., Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. 357 (2012) 012023.
MOPME067 Non-Invasive Bunch Length Diagnostics Based on Interferometry From Double Diffraction Radiation Target 631
  • D.A. Shkitov, G.A. Naumenko, A. Potylitsyn, M.V. Shevelev
    TPU, Tomsk, Russia
  • H.X. Deng, S.L. Lu, T. Yu, J.B. Zhang
    SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  Funding: This work was supported by the joint Russian-Chinese grant (RFBR 110291177 and NSFC 11111120065) and partially by the Program of Russian MES “Nauka” and the SINAP Xinrui Program Y15501A061.
Reliable and precise non-invasive beam diagnostics technique to measure length of sub-picosecond electron bunches are required for new accelerator facilities (FEL, et al.). Investigations of coherent radiation generated by such bunches using different interferometers allow to determine a bunch length*. Measuring a dependence of radiation yield intensity from two DR targets on a distance between them (the intrinsic DR interferogram), it is possible to obtain the same information. Such a non-invasive technique can be directly used for ultra-short bunch length measurements. Recently the first experiment with a double DR target was carried out at the SINAP fs linac facility** with parameters described in***. The double DR target was consisted of two plates made from Al foil. The pyro-electric detector SPI-D-62 was used. Here we report the results of the second stage of our investigations. The DR interferograms of different electron bunch length were measured. The bunch length was reconstructed using the heuristic model based on the dimension theory and simulation data. We compare the results from DR interferograms and Michelson interferometer measurements and show their similarity.
*Murokh A. et al., NIMA 410 (1998) 452.
**Zhang J.B., Shkitov D.A. et al., IBIC’12 MOPB65 (2012).
***Lin X., Zhang J. et al., Chin. Phys. Let. V. 27 N. 4 (2010) 044101.