Author: Sheppard, J.
Paper Title Page
TUPWO068 Performance Improvements of the SLAC Linac for the FACET Beam 2021
  • F.-J. Decker, N. Lipkowitz, E. Marín, Y. Nosochkov, J. Sheppard, M.K. Sullivan, Y. Sun, M.-H. Wang, G.R. White, U. Wienands, M. Woodley, G. Yocky
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: Work supported by U.S.Department of Energy, Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.
Two thirds of the SLAC Linac is used to generate a short, intense electron beam for the FACET experiments. The emittance growth along the Linac is a major concern to finally get small spot sizes for these experiments. There are two different approaches to get the required small emittances: a) lengthy iterative global tuning technique, and b) trying to identify locations of the main sources of the emittance growth and reducing their effect locally. How these approaches help to get good beam performances is discussed.
WEPME062 Short-Pulse Ti:Sapphire Laser System for Photocathode Research at SLAC 3076
  • W.J. Corbett, A. Brachmann, R.N. Coffee, A.R. Fry, S. Gilevich, N. Hartmann, W. Helml, P. Hering, E.N. Jongewaard, D. Kelley, J.R. Lewandowski, W. Polzin, J. Sheppard, P. Stefan, T. Vecchione, S.P. Weathersby, W.E. White, M. Woods, F. Zhou
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  A photo-cathode research laboratory has been constructed at SLAC to test and characterize the spare LCLS electron gun. At the heart of the laboratory is a dual-purpose Ti:Sapphire oscillator/regen laser that can deliver either a 2.5ps, 760nm beam to the photocathode gun or a 35fs, 800nm beam to prototype diagnostics for the LCLS. The objective of the photocathode research is to definitively identify ‘recipes’ for high-reliability cathode processing resulting in high quantum efficiency and low beam emittance. The LCLS diagnostics program is presently aimed at developing spectral-encoding systems for shot-by-shot pulse arrival time measurements at the 10fs level. In this paper we review the Ti:Sapphire laser system and report on status of the photocathode and diagnostics programs.