Author: Sergatskov, D.A.
Paper Title Page
WEPWO055 Fabrication and Testing of SSR1 Resonators for PXIE 2429
  • L. Ristori, M.H. Awida, P. Berrutti, T.N. Khabiboulline, M. Merio, D. Passarelli, A.M. Rowe, D.A. Sergatskov, A.I. Sukhanov
    Fermilab, Batavia, USA
  Fermilab is in the process of constructing a proton linac to accelerate a 1 mA CW beam up to 30 MeV. It will be a test for the front end of Project X and known as the Project X Injector Experiment (PXIE). The major goal of PXIE is the validation of the Project X concept and mitigation of technical risks. It is expected to be constructed in the period of 2012-2016. The PXIE linac consists of a Ion source and LEBT, a 162.5 MHz RFQ, a MEBT, a 162.5 MHz HWR cryomodule (designed and built at ANL) and a 325 MHZ SSR1 cryomodule (designed and built at FNAL). In this paper we present the recent advances in the development of the SSR1 resonators at Fermilab. Several bare SSR1 resonators have been processed, heat-treated and tested successfully in the Fermilab Vertical Test Stand. The outfitting of helium vessels is in process and the coarse-fine frequency tuning system has been designed and is currently being procured and tested. Details of the power coupler are also discussed.