Author: Rehlich, K.
Paper Title Page
THPWA003 Novel Crate Standard MTCA.4 for Industry and Research 3633
  • T. Walter, F. Ludwig, K. Rehlich, H. Schlarb
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  Funding: This project is funded by the Helmholtz Association (Helmholtz Validation Fund HVF-0016).
MTCA.4 is a novel electronic standard derived from the Telecommunication Computing Architecture (TCA) and championed by the xTCA for physics group, a network of physics research institutes and electronics manufacturers. MTCA.4 was released as an official standard by the PCI Industrial Manufacturers Group (PICMG) in 2011. Although the standard is originally physics-driven, it holds promise for applications in many other fields with equally challenging requirements. With substantial funding from the Helmholtz Association for a two-year validation project, DESY currently develops novel, fully MTCA.4-compliant components to lower the barriers to adoption in a wide range of industrial and research use scenarios. Core activities of the project are: refinement, test and qualification of existing components; market research, market education (web information services, workshops); coordinated development of missing MTCA.4 components; further advancement of the standard beyond the current PICMG specification; investigation of measures to counteract electro-magnetic interferences and incompatibilities; training, support and consultancy. This paper summarizes intermediate results and lessons learned at project half-time.