Author: Lee, K.H.
Paper Title Page
WEPFI073 A Modular Cavity for Muon Ionization Cooling R&D 2860
  • D.L. Bowring, A.J. DeMello, A.R. Lambert, D. Li, S.P. Virostek, M.S. Zisman
    LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
  • C. Adolphsen, L. Ge, A.A. Haase, K.H. Lee, Z. Li, D.W. Martin
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  • D.M. Kaplan
    Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, USA
  • T.H. Luo, D.J. Summers
    UMiss, University, Mississippi, USA
  • A. Moretti, M.A. Palmer, R.J. Pasquinelli, Y. Torun
    Fermilab, Batavia, USA
  • R.B. Palmer
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  The Muon Accelerator Program (MAP) collaboration is developing an ionization cooling channel for muon beams. Ionization cooling channel designs call for the operation of high-gradient, normal-conducting RF cavities in multi-Tesla solenoidal magnetic fields. However, strong magnetic fields have been shown to limit the maximum achievable gradient in RF cavities. This gradient limit is characterized by RF breakdown and damage to the cavity surface. To study this issue, we have developed an experimental program based on a modular pillbox cavity operating at 805 MHz. The modular cavity design allows for the evaluation of different cavity materials - such as beryllium - which may ameliorate or circumvent RF breakdown triggers. Modular cavity components may furthermore be prepared with different surface treatments, such as high-temperature baking or chemical polishing. This poster presents the design and experimental status of the modular cavity, as well as future plans for the experimental program.