Author: Kang, X.C.
Paper Title Page
MOPME045 Design and Test Status of Beam Position Monitors for ADS Injector II Proton LINAC 574
  • Y. Zhang, H. Jia, X.C. Kang, M. Li, J.X. Wu, G. Zhu
    IMP, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  Beam Position Monitors (BPM) based on capacitive pick-ups are designed for Accelerator-Driven System (ADS) Injector II proton LINAC. This LINAC is aiming to produce a maximum design current of 15 mA at the 10 MeV energy with an operating frequency of 162.5 MHz. Non-interceptive BPM will be installed to measure the transverse beam position and beam phase in the vacuum chamber. Depending on the location, the response of the BPMs must be optimized for a beam with an energy range from 2.1 up to 10 MeV and an average current between 0.01 and 15 mA. Apart from the broadening of the electromagnetic field due to the low-beta beam, specific issues are affecting some of the BPMs: tiny space in the transport line between the RFQ and the cryomodule and the cryogenic temperature inside the cryomodule. For this reason two types of BPMs are being designed for each location (MEBT and cryomoudle). In this contribution, the present status of the design and measured results for each BPM will be presented in room and cold temperature, focusing on the electromagnetic response for low-beta beams.