Author: Joung, M.J.
Paper Title Page
THPWO063 The Early Stage of the Cavity Fabrication Process (ECT and furnace) for RAON 3901
  • M.J. Joung, H.C. Jung, H.J. Kim
    IBS, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
  RAON is consist of three part about the acceleration line. These are SCL1, SCL2 and SCL3. SCL1 and SCL3 will be made from QWR (Qarter Wave Resonator) and HWR (Half Wave Resonator). And SCL2 will be made from SSR1 (Single Spoke Resonator) and SSR2 (Single Spoke Resonator). Accordingly, The RAON needs 48 QWR, 276 HWR, 88 SSR1 and 136 SSR2 to get the performance that we want. To accelerate the particle using lots of cavity, we have to make a process of cavity fabrication for RAON. We will compare to each process made from the other laboratories and to make the optimal process for RAON to get the performance that we want. And that process will consider the type of cavity and the purpose of the accelerator. I will introduce the early stage of the cavity fabrication process for RAON in this paper.  
THPWO064 Superconducting Linac for the Rare Isotope Science Project 3903
  • H.J. Kim, H.J. Cha, M.O. Hyun, H.J. Jang, D. Jeon, J.D. Joo, M.J. Joung, H.C. Jung, Y.C. Jung, Y. Kim, M. Lee, G.-T. Park
    IBS, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
  Abstract The RISP (Rare Isotope Science Project) accelerator has been planned to study heavy ion of nuclear, material and medical science at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS). It can deliver ions from proton to Uranium. The facility consists of three superconducting linacs of which superconducting cavities are independently phased and operating at three different frequencies, namely 81.25, 162.5 and 325 MHz. Requirement of the linac design is especially high for acceleration of multiple charge beams. In this paper, we present the RISP linac design, the superconducting cavity and the requirements of beam diagnosics.