Author: Ji, B.
Paper Title Page
WEPFI026 Design and Commissioning of the RF System of CYCIAE 14 Cyclotron 2759
  • Z.G. Yin, B. Ji, Y. Lei, P.Z. Li, G.F. Song, C. Wang, T.J. Zhang, Z.L. Zhao
    CIAE, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  The RF system of CYCIAE-14 consists of a set of 20kW amplifier, two 1/4λ RF cavities connected in central region, the transmission line and a set of LLRF system. The LLRF system, based on DDS and DSP, has achieved the close-loop adjustment of accelerating voltage and the resonant frequency. The RF system design for CYCIAE-14 was started in 2010, and the fabrication of the major equipments was finished in 2011. The installation and commissioning was completed in early 2012, satisfying the design requirements. This article describes the design of the RF system, and summarizes the difficulties encountered in the process of manufacture, installation and commissioning. Some of the problems caused by the transmission line and the RF leakage are analyzed, followed by the measures taken to solve these problems.