Author: He, X.
Paper Title Page
MOPME046 Preliminary Experimental Results of Axial B-dot Measuring Beam Tilt 577
  • X. He, Q. Li, C. Ma, J. Pang, L. Zhao
    CAEP/IFP, Mainyang, Sichuan, People's Republic of China
  Funding: This work is under the support of NSFC project No. 11175166
Beam monitors sensitive to the beam's azimuthal B-dot field (sometimes referred as B-dots) are widly used to measure the displacement of beam centroid, as the beam generates a dipole term of the azimuthal magnetic field. The authors have pointd out that the similar B-dots sensitive to axial magnetic field can be used to measure the beam tilt directly in earlier work. A monitor which consists of four azimuthal B-dots and four axial B-dos is designed and fabricated. The monitor was tested on a coaxial calibration stand, which has a character resistance of 50 Ohm. Two position tuners are installed on the calibration stand, to adjust the position and the tilt of the inner conductor. Experiments show that the axial B-dot monitor can be successfully used to measure the tilt of the inner conductor directly.
MOPME047 Simulation of a Beam Angel Monitor using the Axial B-dot Field 580
  • J. Pang, X. He, Q. Li, C. Ma
    CAEP/IFP, Mainyang, Sichuan, People's Republic of China
  Funding: The National Natural Science Foundation of China
A beam angel monitor using the axial B-dot field was presented recently while the one using azimuthal B-dot field had been widely employed to measure the beam positions for more than ten years. Basing on the principle of the proportionality between the deflection angel and the difference of axial B field with corresponding positions, the axial B-dot monitor has a potential use for beam deflection angle measurement directly. A test stand was built to test and improve the axial B-dot monitor, which is fabricated as a PCB structure. Meanwhile, simulations using the CST MWS code have been performed, demonstrating a good agreement to the test results and giving some advice to suppress the disturbance of position deviation of the beam.