Author: Gupta, L.
Paper Title Page
MOPEA079 Improving Emittances in Existing Storage Rings by Defocusing Dipoles 270
  • C.E. Mayes, L. Gupta, G.H. Hoffstaetter, V.O. Kostroun, A.A. Mikhailichenko
    CLASSE, Ithaca, New York, USA
  Designs for ultimate storage rings typically employ two strategies to lower the emittances: 1) adding more bending magnets, and 2) using only focusing quadrupole magnets, with additional defocusing in the bending magnets. In an existing storage ring, the first strategy is precluded because the number of bends is typically fixed, but the second strategy could be used at modest expense. With the CESR storage ring as an example, we show how this is possible and propose an optics that reduces its emittance by more than a factor of 20. Furthermore, such an upgrade would could be installed incrementally without any long dark-time period.