Author: Fei, P.
Paper Title Page
MOPEA044 Maintenance Experience for Personnel Safety System at SSRF 175
  • J.J. Lu, P. Fei, G. Wang, X. Xia, J.Q. Xu, X.J. Xu
    SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  To improve reliability and reduce faults of Personal Safety System (PSS) at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF), two types of system maintenances were carried out since SSRF completion in 2009. The maintenances include maintenance during machine operation and that during shutdown period. The failures of the PSS are summarized for last 3 years operation, and the causes of these failures are analyzed. Main failures were occurred in the access control system and UPS power-supply mode during last 3 years operation. To treat these failures, detail maintenance plan and system upgrading schemes were carried out. After the maintenance and system upgrading, the numbers of beam shutdown which caused directly by the PSS failures are obviously reduced. It was 4 times beam shutdown in 2009 and 0 in 2011.