Author: Bechtold, A.
Paper Title Page
WEPFI009 RF Measurement during CW Operation of an RFQ Prototype 2720
  • M. Vossberg, H.C. Lenz, H. Podlech, A. Schempp
    IAP, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • A. Bechtold
    NTG Neue Technologien GmbH & Co KG, Gelnhausen, Germany
  A 17 MeV MHz proton linac is being developed as a front end of the driver accelerator for the MYRRHA facility in Mol. As a part of the MAX (MYRRHA Accelerator Experiment and Development) project a 4-rod Test-RFQ with a resonance frequency of 176 MHz has been designed and built for the MAX-Project. The RFQ has been modified to solve the cooling problem at cw-operation, the geometrical precision had to be improved as well as the rf-contacts. The developments led to a new layout and a sophisticated production procedure of the stems and the electrodes. Calculations show an improved Rp-value leading to power losses less than 30 kW/m, which is about 60 % of the power losses which could be achieved safely at cw-operation of the similar Saraf-RFQ. Thermal measurements and simulations with the single components has been completed. During cw-operation the temperature distribution will be measured and the rf-performance checked.