Author: Zhao, H.
Paper Title Page
THPPR024 Upgrade of Radiation Monitoring System at SSRF for Top-up Operation 4014
  • X. Xia, J. Chen, J.J. Lv, W. Shen, T. Wan, W.F. Wu, X.J. Xu, H. Zhao
    SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  The radiation monitoring system (RMS) at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, SSRF, is required to upgrade to have dose interlock functions for top-up operation as an important safety issue. This paper describes the basic requirements, design criteria, signal network, and functions of the upgraded radiation monitoring system. Both the prompt dose rate and the accumulative dose alarm were archived for the safety issue after the upgrade. The reliability and stability of the upgraded RMS are in testing for getting operation permission from authority for radiation safety issue.