Author: Silva, S.D.
Paper Title Page
WEEPPB010 RF Modeling Using Parallel Codes ACE3P for the 400-MHz Parallel-Bar/Ridged-Waveguide Compact Crab Cavity for the LHC HiLumi Upgrade 2185
  • Z. Li, L. Ge
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  • J.R. Delayen, S.D. Silva
    ODU, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
  Funding: Work partially supported by the US DOE through the US LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP), and by US DOE under contract number DE-AC02-76SF00515.
Schemes utilizing crab cavities to achieve head-on beam-beam collisions were proposed for the LHC HiLumi upgrade. These crabbing schemes require that the crab cavities be compact in order to fit into the tight spacing available in the existing LHC beamlines at the location where the crab cavities will be installed. Under the support of US LARP program, Old Dominion University and SLAC have joint efforts to develop a 400-MHz compact superconducting crab cavity to meet the HiLumi upgrade requirements. In this paper, we will present the RF modeling and analysis of a parallel-bar/ridged-waveguide shaped 400-MHz compact cavity design that can be used for both the horizontal and vertical crabbing schemes. We will also present schemes for HOM damping and multipacting analysis for such a design.