Author: Siggel-King, M.R.F.
Paper Title Page
MOPPC061 An Antiproton Recycler for Atom-Antiproton Collision Experiments 274
  • M.R.F. Siggel-King, C.P. Welsch
    Cockcroft Institute, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  • O. Karamyshev, A.I. Papash
    MPI-K, Heidelberg, Germany
  • M.R.F. Siggel-King
    The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
  Funding: Work supported by the Helmholtz Association and GSI under contract VH-NG-328, the EU under contract PITN-GA-2008-215080 and STFC.
Collision experiments with low energy antiprotons and different gas jet targets on the level of differential cross sections would be very desirable to use to investigate the details of this fundamental process. At present, such experiments are, however, not feasible, since the only source of antiprotons in the world, the AD at CERN, cannot provide beams of the required energy and quality. A small electrostatic ring has been designed and developed by the QUASAR Group. Serving at the same time as a prototype for the future ultra-low energy storage ring (USR), to be integrated at the facility for low-energy antiproton and ion research (FLAIR), this small accelerator is unique due to its combination of size, electrostatic nature, and energy of the circulating particles. In this contribution, the design of the ring is described in detail and possible operation scenarios in the ASACUSA beam line and behind the ELENA ring are compared with each other.
MOPPD002 Ultra-low Energy Storage Ring at FLAIR 367
  • C.P. Welsch, D. Newton, M.R.F. Siggel-King
    Cockcroft Institute, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  • O.E. Gorda, O. Karamyshev, G.A. Karamysheva, M. Panniello, A.I. Papash, A.V. Smirnov
    MPI-K, Heidelberg, Germany
  • J. Harasimowicz, M. Putignano, C.P. Welsch
    The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
  Funding: The support of the HGF and GSI under contract VH-NG-328, the EU under contract PITN-GA-2008-215080, the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics and the STFC Grant ST/G008248/1 is acknowledged.
The Ultra-low energy electrostatic Storage Ring (USR) at the future Facility for Low-energy Antiproton and Ion Research (FLAIR) will provide cooled beams of antiprotons in the energy range between 300 keV down to 20 keV. Based on the original design concept developed in 2005, the USR has been completely redesigned over the past few years. The ring structure is now based on a 'split achromat' lattice. This ensures compact ring dimensions of 10 x 10 m, whilst allowing both, in-ring experiments with gas jet targets and studies with extracted beams. In the USR, a wide range of beam parameters will be provided, ranging from very short pulses in the nanosecond regime to a coasting beam. In addition, a combined fast and slow extraction scheme was developed that allows for providing external experiments with cooled beams of different time structure. Furthermore, studies into beam diagnostics methods for the monitoring of ultra-low energy ions at beam intensities less than 106 were carried out. Here, we present the USR design with an emphasis on the expected beam parameters available to the experiments at FLAIR.