Author: Shkvarunets, A.G.
Paper Title Page
WEOAA01 Injected Beam Imaging at SPEAR 3 with a Digital Optic Mask 2116
  • H.D. Zhang, R.B. Fiorito, A.G. Shkvarunets
    UMD, College Park, Maryland, USA
  • W.J. Corbett, A.S. Fisher, K. Tian
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: *This work is partially funded by the Office of Naval Research and the DOD Joint Technology Office.
At SPEAR3, the light source operates in top-up injection mode with 273nC charge circulating in the storage ring (350mA). Each individual injection pulse contains only 40pC, or a contrast ration of 1:6800. In order to monitor injected beam dynamics during User operations, it is desirable to optically image the injected charge distribution on a turn-by-turn basis in the presence of the bright stored beam. The measurement is made by re-imaging visible synchrotron radiation onto a 1024x768 pixel Digital-Micro-Array mirror device (DMD) which is used to 'mask' light from the central stored beam while observing the weak injected beam signal on an intensified, fast-gated CCD camera. Complex beam dynamics are observed after only a few 10's of turns around the synchrotron. In this paper we report on the DMD optical configuration, masking considerations, measurement timing and initial tests imaging the injected beam in the presence of stored beam.
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