Author: Nicol, T.H.
Paper Title Page
WEPPD005 SSR1 Cryomodule Design PXIE 2504
  • T.H. Nicol, S. Cheban, M. Chen, S. Kazakov, F. McConologue, Y. Orlov, D. Passarelli, V. Poloubotko, O. Pronitchev, L. Ristori, I. Terechkine
    Fermilab, Batavia, USA
  Funding: U.S. Department of Energy
Fermilab is planning to design and build a Project X Injector Experiment (PXIE), a cw linac, as a means of validating the Project X concept, reducing technical risks, and obtaining experience in the design and operation of a superconducting proton linac. The overall facility will include an ion source, low and medium-energy beam transport sections, a radio frequency quadrupole, and two cryomodules containing superconducting cavities. One will contain nine half-wave resonators operating at 162.5 MHz and six superconducting solenoids. The second will contain eight single spoke resonators (SSR1) operating at 325 MHz and four superconducting solenoids. This paper describes the design of the cryomodule being developed to house the 325 MHz single spoke resonators. Each of the main cryomodule systems will be described; cryogenic systems and instrumentation, cavity and solenoid positioning and alignment, conduction-cooled current leads, RF input couplers, magnetic shielding, cold-to-warm beam tube transitions, interfaces to interconnecting equipment and adjacent modules, as well as the overall assembly procedure.