Author: Longhitano, A.
Paper Title Page
WEPPD062 Measurements of the First RF Prototype of the Spiral2 Single Bunch Selector 2663
  • M. Di Giacomo
    GANIL, Caen, France
  • A.C. Caruso, F. Consoli, G. Gallo, D. Rifuggiato, E. Zappalà
    INFN/LNS, Catania, Italy
  • A. Longhitano
    ALTEK, San Gregorio (CATANIA), Italy
  Funding: Work supported by EU commission 7th framework project n. 212692.
The single bunch selector of the Spiral2 driver uses 100 Ω travelling wave electrodes driven by fast pulse generators. A 2.5 kV, 1 kW feed-through and a vacuum chamber housing the water cooled electrodes have been designed and built. The paper reviews the whole design and reports the results of first RF and power measurements.