Author: Haseitl, R.
Paper Title Page
MOPPR012 Beam Induced Fluorescence Monitors for FAIR 798
  • F. Becker, C.A. Andre, C. Dorn, P. Forck, R. Haseitl, B. Walasek-Höhne
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  • T. Dandl, T. Heindl, A. Ulrich
    TUM/Physik, Garching bei München, Germany
  Online profile diagnostic is preferred to monitor intense hadron beams at the Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). One instrument for beam profile measurement is the gas based Beam Induced Fluorescence (BIF)-monitor. It relies on the optical fluorescence of residual gas, excited by beam particles. Depending on the beam parameters and vacuum constraints, BIF monitors can be operated at base pressure or in dedicated local pressure bumps. Spectroscopic data in nitrogen and rare gases confirms an exploitable dynamic range from UHV to atmospheric pressure. Optical transitions and corresponding beam profiles are discussed for gas pressures from 10-3 to 30 mbar. Fundamental limitations for some application scenarios will be addressed as well.