Author: De Michele, G.
Paper Title Page
WEPPR077 Analysis of Long-range Wakefields in CLIC Main Linac Accelerating Structures with Damping Loads 3111
  • G. De Michele
    Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
  • G. De Michele
    EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • A. Grudiev
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The baseline design of the CLIC accelerating structure foresees a moderate detuning and heavy damping of high order modes (HOMs), which are the source of long-range transverse wakefields. Such unwanted fields produce bunch-to-bunch instabilities so the HOMs must be suppressed. In order to damp these modes, the CLIC RF structure is equipped with lossy material inserted into four rectangular waveguides coupled to each accelerating cell. The lossy material absorbs EM (electromagnetic) wave energy with little reflection back to the accelerating cells. In the past, computations of the long-range wake of CLIC accelerating modes have been done using perfectly absorbing boundaries to terminate the damping waveguides. In this paper, 3D EM simulations of CLIC baseline accelerating structure with HOMs damping loads will be presented. A comparison between different EM codes (GdfidL, CST PARTICLE STUDIO®) will be discussed as well as the analysis of different types of absorbing materials with respect to the wakefields damping.