Author: Chen, H.H.
Paper Title Page
TUPPP025 Resurrection of RESOLVE at NSRRC Prepared for the First Turn Beam Steering of the TPS Commissioning 1665
  • H.-P. Chang, H.H. Chen, P.C. Chiu, P.J. Chou, K.T. Hsu, S.J. Huang, Y.-C. Liu, F.H. Tseng
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  MATLAB based high level application software prepared for the 3GeV Taiwan Photon Source has been built and tested on the 1.5GeV Taiwan Light Source continuously. The RESOLVE program is surveyed and resurrected at NSRRC to support and help the first turn beam steering in the coming commissioning of the TPS accelerator complex. Due to the RESOLVE’s history, it contributed a lot in the past commissioning of SLC at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, we believe it may give help although most of the first turn beam steering of current light source machines may pass smoothly with well machine construction. In order to make the revised RESOLVE working, not only the compiling problem but also some memory bugs have been fixed, the updated RESOLVE now can be run on PC/Linux and Mac/OSX computer systems. We are trying to apply and test it on the TLS SR with the turn-by-turn digital BPM system. Some exercises of the error finding in beam steering of the off-axis injection beam are performed for presentation.  
THPPD059 Conductive EMI Reduction to Kicker Magnet Power Supply in NSRRC 3647
  • Y.-H. Liu, J.-C. Chang, C.S. Chen, H.H. Chen, J.-R. Chen
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  The purpose of this paper is to estimate and reduce the conductive Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) from kicker magnet power supply in TLS. A LISN system was conducted to measure the EMI spectrum of kicker power supply. The EMI noise exceeded FCC standards in some frequency range especially during kicker firing. Reducing EMI level by using different EMI filters were applied. Double pi filter was more efficient than single pi filter. After using filter, the conducted EMI could diminish lower than FCC class B. The experimental results will provide useful information to future TPS pulsed magnet design.  
THPPR009 Optimization of the Electron Beam Extraction Efficiency in a Booster for TLS 3981
  • H.C. Chen, H.-P. Chang, H.H. Chen, S. Fann, S.J. Huang, J.A. Li, C.C. Liang, Y.K. Lin, Y.-C. Liu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  The Response Surface Methodology (RSM), is used to study the optimization process of the electron beam extraction efficiency for Taiwan Light Source (TLS) in NSRRC. A study model was constructed based on the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) theory by using selected beam extraction tuning knobs as the variables. An optimization procedure is developed by taking extraction efficiency as the objective function and the selected beam tuning knobs as the variables. Furthermore, this theoretical model and optimization procedure have been put into practice in verifying how effectively the model can accomplish. By properly applying the constructed optimization procedure for electron beam extraction study, the efficiency has been improved effectively. The details of the study will be reported in this paper.