Author: Baxter, A.B.
Paper Title Page
MOPPP047 Characterization of the First SRF Electron Beam Source at the Naval Postgraduate School 667
  • A.D. Holmes, A.B. Baxter, C.W. Bennett, J.R. Harris, J.W. Lewellen, R. Swent
    NPS, Monterey, California, USA
  • J.M. Didoszak, J.M. Utschig
    ONR, Arlington, Virginia, USA
  In June 2011, the Naval Postgraduate school (NPS) received the 500 MHz Mark I quarter-wave superconducting RF (SRF) electron beam source and, among other firsts, completed the first cool down and characterization of an SRF beam source at a US Naval facility. The Mark I has a photocathode with adjustable position and uses a unique cascaded RF coupler design. As part of an on-going advanced electron source development project, the NPS Beam Physics Laboratory (BPL) team continues characterization of the Mark I cavity at various cathode stalk, coupler, and probe positions. Methods and experimentation used to measure the cavity Q and β, as well as characteristic results, with respect to coupler, cathode stalk, and probe positions are presented.