Keyword: beam-transport
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WEP16 Analytical Presentation of Space Charge Forces space-charge, controls, focusing, optics 173
  • S.N. Andrianov
    St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
  Funding: The work is supported by Federal Targeted Programme "Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of the Innovative Russia in 2009-2013" (Governmental Contract no. p 793)
This paper presents an analytical description of the space charge forces generated by charged particle beams. The suggested approach is based on some set of models for particle distribution function. All necessary calculations have analytical and closed form for different models for beam density distributions. These model distributions can be used for approximation of real beam distributions. The corresponding solutions are included in a general scheme of beam dynamics presentation based on the matrix formalism for Lie algebraic tools. The corresponding computer software is based on corresponding symbolic codes and some parallel technologies. In particular, as computational tools we consider GPU graphic card NVIDIA. As an example, there is considered the problem of modeling the beam dynamics for microprobe focusing systems.