Author: Wang, G.M.
Paper Title Page
MOPC02 Status of Beam Diagnostics for NSLS-II Booster 41
  • V.V. Smaluk, E.A. Bekhtenev, S.E. Karnaev, G.V. Karpov, O.I. Meshkov
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • D. Padrazo, O. Singh, V.V. Smaluk, K. Vetter, G.M. Wang
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  For the NSLS II third generation light source, a full-energy Booster ring has been designed and produced by Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. For the Booster commissioning and operation, following beam diagnostic instruments have been designed and manufactured: 6 beam flags, 36 electrostatic pickups with BPM receivers, 2 synchrotron light monitors (SLMs), 1 DC current transformer, 1 fast current transformer, Tune Measurement System (TMS) including 2 strip-line assemblies. All the equipment has been installed in the Booster ring and Injector Service Area. Control software of the beam diagnostic devices has been developed and incorporated into the NSLS-II control system using the EPICS environment. A number of high-level applications has been developed using Control System Studio and Python. The Integrated Testing and the System Level Testing have been performed. Current status of the Booster beam diagnostic instrumentation is reviewed.