Author: Eremin, V.
Paper Title Page
WEPC44 Operation of Silicon, Diamond and Liquid Helium Detectors in the Range of Room Temperature to 1.9 Kelvin and After an Irradiation Dose of Several Mega Gray 791
  • C. Kurfuerst, M.R. Bartosik, B. Dehning, T. Eisel, M. Sapinski
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • V. Eremin
    IOFFE, St. Petersburg, Russia
  At the triplet magnets close to the interaction regions of the LHC, the current Beam Loss Monitoring system is sensitive to the debris from the collision points. For future beams with higher energy and intensity, the expected increase in luminosity and associated increase of the debris from interaction products is expected to compete with any quench-provoking beam losses from the primary proton beams. In order to distinguish between the two, it is proposed to locate the detectors as close as possible to the superconducting coil. The detectors therefore have to be located inside the cold mass of the superconducting magnets in superfluid helium at 1.9 K. Past measurements have shown that in a liquid helium chamber, diamond and silicon detectors are promising candidates for cryogenic beam loss monitors. This contribution will show the results from new high irradiation beam measurements at both room temperature and 1.9 Kelvin to reveal the radiation tolerance of these different detectors.