Author: Osemann, M.
Paper Title Page
Novel Short Pulse Modulator for High Power Microwave Tubes  
  • G. Blokesch, M. Bader, A. Epp, M. Frei, W. Kaesler, D. Kraemer, M. Osemann
    Ampegon AG, Turgi, Switzerland
  • J. Biela, D. Gerber
    ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
  Ampegon in collaboration with the Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems HPE/ETH Zurich, has developed a novel short pulse modulator based on a matrix transformer for high power microwave klystrons. The new modulator system complies with the future needs in the field of accelerators like FELs for research facilities, but also for medical and industrial applications in a most reliable, efficient and precise way. Special emphasis has been given to a modular and scalable design, a high level of redundancy and maintainability. This is achieved with a clear and extendable system layout, which allows easy access to all components, and the use of standardized components. The pulse to pulse stability and high systems efficiency in combination with a fast voltage rise time complies with the requirements of future efficient accelerator designs. After a successful test of a demonstrator modulator, the industrialized full scale modulator based on the C-band RF station specification of the SwissFEL project (PSI Paul Scherrer Institute, CH) has been built and is currently under test in the Ampegon factory. The poster will give an overview of the system concept and Shows first test results.