Author: Hage, A.
Paper Title Page
Seeding Preparation at the FLASH2 Beamline  
  • T. Tanikawa, A. Hage
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  At the FLASH Facility at DESY, Hamburg, a new undulator line, referred to as FLASH2, has been added. First electron beam in FLASH2 has reached the beam dump in May. Further commissioning, including first SASE, is foreseen for the remainder of the year. This FEL has been designed to include seeding in the future, such as a high-gain harmonic generation (HGHG) or an echo-enable harmonic generation (EEHG). The optimal choice for seeding at FLASH2 is under discussion. For seeding at FLASH2, an XUV spectrometer, a laser system based on optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) as well as a system for a third harmonic generation (THG) including diagnostic tools have been prepared. We will report the current status.