Author: Sell, A.
Paper Title Page
TUPSO18 Optimization of Dielectric Loaded Metal Waveguides for Acceleration of Electron Bunches using Short THz Pulses 250
  • A. Fallahi, F.X. Kaertner
    CFEL, Hamburg, Germany
  • F.X. Kaertner, A. Sell, L.J. Wong
    MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
  Funding: DARPA contract number N66001-11-1-4192 and the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, DESY Hamburg
The last decade has witnessed extensive research efforts to reduce the size of charged particle accelerators to achieve compact devices for providing relativistic particles. To this end, various methods such as laser plasma and dielectric wakefield acceleration are investigated and their pros and cons are studied. With the advent of efficient THz generation techniques based on optical rectification, THz waveguides are also considered to be proper candidates for compact accelerators. Sofar, the proposed schemes toward high power THz generation are capable of producing short pulses, which dictates the study of particle acceleration in the pulsed regime rather than continuous-wave regime. Therefore, THz waveguides are more suitable than cavities for the considered purpose*. Consequently, various effects such as group velocity mismatch and group velocity dispersion start to influence the acceleration scenario and impose limits on the maximum energy gain from the pulse. In this contribution, we investigate electron bunch acceleration and compression in dielectrically loaded metal waveguides for the THz wavelength range and present design methodologies to optimize their performance.
* Liang Jie Wong, Arya Fallahi, and Franz X. Kärtner. "Compact electron acceleration and bunch compression in THz waveguides." Optics Express 21, no. 8 (2013): 9792-9806.