Keyword: extraction
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MOPC09 Use of Re-Acceleration and Tapering in High Gain Free Electron Lasers to Enhance Power and Energy Extraction FEL, undulator, electron, acceleration 115
  • R. Dusad, G. Travish
    UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
  In high gain Free Electron Lasers (FELs), it is possible to use undulator tapering to increase power and energy extraction beyond saturation. For some applications, however, tapering is not sufficient or results in excessively long structures. Here we the study use of tapered undulators interrupted by short accelerator sections to increase the power extracted per unit length. Re-acceleration restores nominal energy to the beam with minimal disruption to bunching, and allows repeated use of a single taper profile. We show that for suitable parameter sets this approach can perform better than ideal tapering alone, and may serve to greatly improve and simplify high peak and average power FELs. Based on these findings, we propose a first experiment to test the re-acceleration with tapering concept.  
THPB21 Extraction Arc for FLASH2 simulation, septum, emittance, electron 601
  • M. Scholz, W. Decking, B. Faatz, T. Limberg
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • B. Liu
    SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  FLASH2 is an extension of the existing FEL FLASH at DESY, Hamburg. It uses the same linear accelerator. A separate tunnel and a new experimental hall will be built next to the existing FLASH facilities. First constructions started in spring 2011. A fast kicker and a septum to be installed behind the last superconducting acceleration module give the possibility to distribute the beam to the existing beam line and to the new extraction arc. Within this arc a pulsed bending magnet allows to send the beam into two separate beam lines: One hosting undulators for SASE and space for HHG seeding (FLASH2), the other serving a proposed plasma wake field experiment or later on another FEL beam line (FLASH3). The extraction arc design has to fulfill specific requirements such as small emittance and energy spread growth. Furthermore, constrains are given by the existing FLASH buildings and by the space required for the in-coupling of the seed laser. Beam quality impairment has been mitigated by designing the beam optics with horizontal beam waists in all bending magnets. To optimize the extraction arc, simulations for different layouts were carried out using the programs ELEGANT and CSRTRACK.