Author: Yamamoto, R.
Paper Title Page
TUPA26 Beam Commissioning of the SACLA Accelerator 255
  • T. Hara, H. Tanaka, K. Togawa
    RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo, Japan
  • T. Hasegawa, Y. Kano, T. Morinaga, Y. Tajiri, S. Tanaka, R. Yamamoto
    SES, Hyogo-pref., Japan
  The com­mis­sion­ing of the X-ray FEL fa­cil­ity of SPring-8, which is named SACLA (SPring-8 Angstrom Com­pact free-elec­tron LAser), has been started since Feb­ru­ary 2011. Dur­ing the beam com­mis­sion­ing, beam di­ag­nos­tic sys­tem and con­trol sys­tem are also tested and im­proved to en­able fine tun­ing of the ma­chine. The po­si­tion and en­ergy of the elec­tron beam shows ex­cel­lent sta­bil­ity and the fault rate of the RF sys­tem per hour is cur­rently de­creased to less than one. Since co­her­ent OTR hin­ders the beam pro­file mea­sure­ment after full bunch com­pres­sion, sev­eral OTR screens are changed to YAG screens with a par­tial mask in­stalled in its op­tics. So far the elec­tron beam is suc­cess­fully ac­cel­er­ated up to 8 GeV and spon­ta­neous emis­sion was ob­served with weak bunch com­pres­sion. For the las­ing, the RF pa­ra­me­ters are first set so that a 0.1 nC bunch is com­pressed to 30 fs to ob­tain 3 kA beam cur­rent. Then the trans­verse beam pro­file is ad­justed to match the fo­cus­ing con­di­tion of the un­du­la­tor sec­tion. In the con­fer­ence, we will re­port the beam com­mis­sion­ing of the SACLA ac­cel­er­a­tor.