Author: Takahashi, T.
Paper Title Page
MOPC13 Terahertz-Wave Spectrophotometry – Experiments of Compton Backscattering of Continuous-spectrum Coherent Transition Radiation 125
  • N. Sei
    AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
  • T. Takahashi
    Kyoto University, Research Reactor Institute, Osaka, Japan
  Funding: This study was financially supported by the Sumitomo foundation.
We have stud­ied a ter­a­hertz-wave spec­tropho­tom­e­try by using Comp­ton backscat­ter­ing of co­her­ent ra­di­a­tions at the Kyoto Uni­ver­sity Re­search Re­ac­tor In­sti­tute. In the ter­a­hertz-wave spec­tropho­tom­e­try, the char­ac­ter­is­tics of the con­tin­u­ous-spec­trum THz waves are con­verted into those of the other wave­lengths which are eas­ily mea­sured by col­lid­ing the THz waves with a rel­a­tivis­tic elec­tron beam. Such the con­tin­u­ous-spec­trum light beam by Comp­ton backscat­ter­ing is known in a field of as­tro­physics. We achieved to ob­serve a con­tin­u­ous-spec­trum vis­i­ble beam re­sult­ing from Comp­ton backscat­ter­ing using co­her­ent tran­si­tion ra­di­a­tions from an L-band elec­tron lin­ear ac­cel­er­a­tor*. The mea­sured spec­trum of the Comp­ton backscat­tered pho­tons was sim­i­lar to that cal­cu­lated from the spec­trum of co­her­ent tran­si­tion ra­di­a­tion. In the pre­sen­ta­tion, the ex­per­i­men­tal re­sults of ter­a­hertz-wave spec­tropho­tom­e­try will be ex­plained in de­tail.
* N. Sei and T. Takahashi, Appl. Phys. Express 3 (2010) 052401.
TUPA13 Present Status and Future Prospects of Project on Utilizing Coherent Light Sources for User Experiments at UVSOR-II 215
  • H. Zen, K. Hayashi, S.I. Kimura, E. Nakamura, J. Yamazaki
    UVSOR, Okazaki, Japan
  • M. Adachi, M. Katoh
    Sokendai - Okazaki, Okazaki, Aichi, Japan
  • M. Hosaka, Y. Takashima, N. Yamamoto
    Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
  • T. Takahashi
    Kyoto University, Research Reactor Institute, Osaka, Japan
  Funding: Quantum Beam Technology Program supported by JST/MEXT (Japan)
We have been in­ten­sively de­vel­op­ing co­her­ent light sources uti­liz­ing elec­tron bunches in the stor­age ring, UVSOR-II, by adding some ex­ter­nal com­po­nents to the ring. After suc­cess­ful gen­er­a­tion of co­her­ent syn­chro­tron ra­di­a­tion (CSR) in THz range* and co­her­ent har­monic gen­er­a­tion (CHG) in DUV range** by using an in­tense dri­ving laser, a 5-year new re­search pro­ject named as Quan­tum Beam Tech­nol­ogy Pro­gram has been started from FY2008. The pro­ject in­cludes in­tro­duc­tion of new dri­ving laser sys­tem, ded­i­cated un­du­la­tors and beam­lines, and aims at uti­liz­ing those co­her­ent ra­di­a­tions for user ex­per­i­ments. The new dri­ving laser sys­tem has been in­stalled last year. The un­du­la­tors and beam­lines are now under con­struc­tion. In­stal­la­tion of those com­po­nents will be fin­ished be­fore the con­fer­ence. In the con­fer­ence, we will re­port on the pre­sent sta­tus of sys­tem de­vel­op­ment and fu­ture plan of ap­pli­ca­tion ex­per­i­ments.
*M. Shimada et al., Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 46, pp. 7939-7944 (2007).
**M. Labat et al., European Physical Journal D, vol. 44, pp. 187-200 (2007).