Author: Song, Y.
Paper Title Page
FROA3 Sub-100-attosecond Timing Jitter Ultrafast Fiber Lasers for FEL Optical Master Oscillators 648
  • J. Kim, K. Jung, C. Kim, H. Kim, T.K. Kim, S. Park, Y. Song, H. Yang
    KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
  Funding: Pohang Accelerator Laboratory and NRF of Korea (2010-0003974)
Fu­ture FELs re­quire fem­tosec­ond and even sub-fem­tosec­ond tim­ing pre­ci­sion over the en­tire fa­cil­ity. To meet this tim­ing de­mand, op­ti­cal tech­niques based on mod­u­lated cw lasers or ul­tra­fast pulsed lasers have been in­ves­ti­gated in­ten­sively. It has re­cently been shown that the tim­ing sys­tem based on ul­tra­fast fiber lasers and tim­ing-sta­bi­lized fiber links en­ables long-term sta­ble, sub-10-fem­tosec­ond level syn­chro­niza­tion [*]. In order to achieve sub-fem­tosec­ond level syn­chro­niza­tion, the op­ti­miza­tion of tim­ing jit­ter in ul­tra­fast fiber lasers is re­quired. In this work, by op­er­at­ing the fiber lasers at close-to-zero in­tra­cav­ity dis­per­sion, we op­ti­mize the tim­ing jit­ter of ul­tra­fast fiber lasers to­ward sub-fem­tosec­ond level for the first time. The mea­sured tim­ing jit­ter of 80 MHz Er-fiber and Yb-fiber lasers is 100 at­tosec­ond and 185 at­tosec­ond, re­spec­tively, when in­te­grated from 10 kHz to 40 MHz (Nyquist fre­quency) off­set fre­quency. To our knowl­edge, this is the low­est high-fre­quency tim­ing jit­ter from ul­tra­fast fiber lasers so far. The sub-100-at­tosec­ond tim­ing jit­ter from op­ti­cal mas­ter os­cil­la­tors is the first step to­ward at­tosec­ond-pre­ci­sion FEL tim­ing sys­tems.
[1] J. Kim et al, "Drift-free femtosecond timing synchronization of remote optical and microwave sources," Nature Photonics 2, 733-736 (2008).