Author: Molo, R.
Paper Title Page
MOOA5 Coherent Harmonic Generation at the DELTA Storage Ring 5
  • H. Huck, M. Bakr, M. Höner, S. Khan, R. Molo, A. Nowaczyk, A. Schick, P. Ungelenk, M. Zeinalzadeh
    DELTA, Dortmund, Germany
  Funding: Supported by DFG, BMBF, and the Federal State NRW
First com­mis­sion­ing re­sults from a new Co­her­ent Har­monic Gen­er­a­tion (CHG) source, re­cently in­stalled at the DELTA stor­age ring, are pre­sented. DELTA, a uni­ver­sity-op­er­ated syn­chro­tron light source in Dort­mund, has suc­cess­fully op­er­ated an op­ti­cal kly­stron as stor­age-ring FEL. After in­stalling a Ti:sap­phire laser sys­tem and new un­du­la­tor power sup­plies ear­lier this year, the op­ti­cal kly­stron can be seeded using ul­tra­short pulses at 800 nm wave­length and har­mon­ics thereof dur­ing stan­dard op­er­a­tion of the stor­age ring at 1.5 GeV. The en­ergy mod­u­la­tion in­duced within a short slice of an elec­tron bunch is con­verted to a den­sity mod­u­la­tion and the mi­cro-bunched elec­trons emit ul­tra­short pulses co­her­ently at har­mon­ics of the ini­tial wave­length. Sev­eral me­ters down­stream of the op­ti­cal kly­stron, path length dif­fer­ences of the en­ergy-mod­u­lated elec­trons cause a dip in the charge dis­tri­b­u­tion, giv­ing rise to co­her­ent ul­tra­short THz pulses which are ex­tracted using a ded­i­cated beam­line.
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TUPA14 Conceptual Layout of a New Short-Pulse Radiation Source at DELTA Based on Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation 219
  • R. Molo, M. Bakr, H. Huck, M. Höner, S. Khan, A. Nowaczyk, A. Schick, P. Ungelenk, M. Zeinalzadeh
    DELTA, Dortmund, Germany
  As an up­grade of the pre­sent co­her­ent har­monic gen­er­a­tion (CHG) source at the DELTA stor­age ring, the in­stal­la­tion of an ad­di­tional un­du­la­tor to im­ple­ment and study the echo-en­abled har­monic gen­er­a­tion (EEHG) scheme [1] is planned. Com­pared to the CHG scheme, EEHG al­lows to pro­duce ra­di­a­tion of shorter wave­lengths, thus reach­ing more rel­e­vant ab­sorp­tion edges. In order to avoid dis­per­sive dis­tor­tions, all un­du­la­tors should be placed along a straight line. This re­quires to in­crease the length of the pre­sent straight sec­tion by re­ar­rang­ing sev­eral mag­nets and vac­uum com­po­nents as well as a sig­nif­i­cant mod­i­fi­ca­tion of the stor­age ring op­tics.
[1] G. Stupakov, PRL 102, 074801 (2009)