Author: Limberg, T.
Paper Title Page
TUPA22 FLASH II: A Project Update 247
  • B. Faatz, V. Ayvazyan, N. Baboi, V. Balandin, W. Decking, S. Düsterer, H.-J. Eckoldt, M. Felber, J. Feldhaus, N. Golubeva, K. Honkavaara, M. Körfer, T. Laarmann, A. Leuschner, L. Lilje, T. Limberg, D. Nölle, F. Obier, A. Petrov, E. Plönjes, K. Rehlich, H. Schlarb, B. Schmidt, M. Schmitz, S. Schreiber, H. Schulte-Schrepping, J. Spengler, M. Staack, K.I. Tiedtke, M. Tischer, R. Treusch, M. Vogt, H.C. Weddig
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • J. Bahrdt, R. Follath, K. Holldack, A. Meseck, R. Mitzner
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  • J. Chen, H.X. Deng, B. Liu
    SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  • M. Drescher, A. Hage, V. Miltchev, R. Riedel, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, J. Roßbach, M. Schulz, A. Willner
    Uni HH, Hamburg, Germany
  • M. Gensch
    HZDR, Dresden, Germany
  • F. Tavella
    HIJ, Jena, Germany
  FLASH II is an ex­ten­sion of the ex­ist­ing FLASH fa­cil­ity by an un­du­la­tor line and an ex­per­i­men­tal Hall of which the con­struc­tion will start be­fore the end of the year. Aims are to in­crease beam­time for users and im­ple­ment HHG seed­ing for the longer wave­length range from 10 to 40 nm at a re­duced rep­e­ti­tion rate of 100 kHz. Ad­di­tional seed­ing schemes are under dis­cus­sion as a fu­ture op­tion. We will pre­sent a progress re­port of FLASH II.  
THPB21 Extraction Arc for FLASH2 601
  • M. Scholz, W. Decking, B. Faatz, T. Limberg
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • B. Liu
    SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  FLASH2 is an ex­ten­sion of the ex­ist­ing FEL FLASH at DESY, Ham­burg. It uses the same lin­ear ac­cel­er­a­tor. A sep­a­rate tun­nel and a new ex­per­i­men­tal hall will be built next to the ex­ist­ing FLASH fa­cil­i­ties. First con­struc­tions started in spring 2011. A fast kicker and a sep­tum to be in­stalled be­hind the last su­per­con­duct­ing ac­cel­er­a­tion mod­ule give the pos­si­bil­ity to dis­trib­ute the beam to the ex­ist­ing beam line and to the new ex­trac­tion arc. Within this arc a pulsed bend­ing mag­net al­lows to send the beam into two sep­a­rate beam lines: One host­ing un­du­la­tors for SASE and space for HHG seed­ing (FLASH2), the other serv­ing a pro­posed plasma wake field ex­per­i­ment or later on an­other FEL beam line (FLASH3). The ex­trac­tion arc de­sign has to ful­fill spe­cific re­quire­ments such as small emit­tance and en­ergy spread growth. Fur­ther­more, con­strains are given by the ex­ist­ing FLASH build­ings and by the space re­quired for the in-cou­pling of the seed laser. Beam qual­ity im­pair­ment has been mit­i­gated by de­sign­ing the beam op­tics with hor­i­zon­tal beam waists in all bend­ing mag­nets. To op­ti­mize the ex­trac­tion arc, sim­u­la­tions for dif­fer­ent lay­outs were car­ried out using the pro­grams EL­E­GANT and CSR­TRACK.