Author: Jiang, X.M.
Paper Title Page
WEPB18 Development of the First U48 Undulator Prototype for the European X-ray Free Electron Laser 420
  • H.H. Lu, W. Chen, X. Feng, X.M. Jiang, C. Shi, S.C. Sun, M.T. Wang, Z.X. Wang, Y.F. Yang
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  • Y. Li, J. Pflüger
    European XFEL GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
  Funding: MOST973 Program
The European XFEL will be a user facility consisting of three beamlines named SASE1/2/3 at the first stage. The first undulator prototype U48 for the European XFEL SASE2 beamline has been developed and tested by IHEP, China. Its magnetic design and specifications are briefly given. Development of U48, including magnetic material, mechanical structure, control system and assembly, are introduced. Magnetic tuning and test results are presented and discussed.