Author: Huang, W.-H.
Paper Title Page
TUPB19 Design and Beam Dynamics Simulation for the Photoinjector of Shanghai Soft X-ray Free Electron Laser Test Facility 299
  • W.-H. Huang, Q. Du, Y.-C. Du, H.J. Qian, C.-X. Tang, L.X. Yan
    TUB, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  The Shang­hai soft X-ray free elec­tron laser test fa­cil­ity (SXFEL) aims to ra­di­ate at 9 nm based on the cas­caded high-gain har­monic-gen­er­a­tion (HGHG) scheme. The pho­toin­jec­tor of SXFEL con­sists of Ti-sap­phire dri­ving laser sys­tem, S-band pho­to­cath­ode RF gun, booster linacs, laser heater, beam di­ag­nos­tics and match­ing sec­tion. It will pro­duce ~130 MeV elec­tron beam in high charge regime (~0.5 nC) with a base­line trans­verse emit­tance of 1.5 mm-mrad. This paper will pre­sent basic de­signs and beam dy­nam­ics sim­u­la­tions of SXFEL pho­toin­jec­tor.