Author: Huang, K.Y.
Paper Title Page
MOPB07 Soft X-ray Free-electron Laser with a 10-time Reduced Size 28
  • F.H. Chao, C.H. Chen, K.Y. Huang, Y.-C. Huang
    NTHU, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  We present a 30-m long soft x-ray FEL consisting of a 5-MeV photoinjector, a 150 MeV linac, a magnetic chicane compressor, and a 3-m long undulator. We propose to employ both the 3rd and the 4th harmonics of a Nd laser at 355 and 266 nm, respectively, to illuminate the cathode of the photoinjector. Owing to the beating of the two lasers, the emitted electron beam could be modulated at 282 THz. The electrons are further accelerated to 150 MeV and, after acceleration, compressed by 33 times in a magnetic chicane. The temporal compression of the electron macropulse increases the electron bunching frequency to 9.3 PHz, corresponding to a soft x-ray wavelength of 32.2 nm. We adopt a solenoid-derived staggered array undulator* with a 3 m length, 5 mm undulator period, and 1.2 mm gap. With a solenoid field of 10 kG, we estimate an undulator parameter of 0.4 and a corresponding radiation wavelength of 32.2 nm for a 150 MeV driving beam. With 3.3 kA peak current, 0.03% energy spread, 2 mm-mrad emittance, and 80-micron beam radius at the undulator entrance, the GENESIS code predicts 0.2 GW radiation power from the 3 m long undulator for an initial bunching factor of merely 10 ppm.
* Y.C. Huang, H.C. Wang, R.H. Pantell, and J. Feinstein, "A staggered-array wiggler for far infrared, free-electron laser operation," IEEE J. Quantum Electronics 30 (1994) 1289.
TUPA01 Tunable THz-pulse-train Photoinjector 187
  • Y.-C. Huang, F.H. Chao, C.H. Chen, H.H. Chen, K.Y. Huang
    NTHU, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  Funding: This work is jointly supported by the National Science Council, under Contract NSC97-2112-M-007-018-MY2; the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center,under Project 955LRF01N.
A THz-pulse-train photoinjector is under construction at the High-energy OPtics and Electronics (HOPE) Laboratory at National Tsinghua University, Taiwan. This photoinjector is believed to be useful for generating high-power THz radiation, as well as for driving or loading a plasma-wave accelerator. A THz laser beat wave with full tunability in its beat frequency is employed to induce the emission of the THz electron pulses from the photoinjector. We show in our study that such a photoinjector is capable of generating periodically bunched MeV electrons with a bunching factor larger than 0.1 at THz frequencies for a total amount of 1 nC charges in a 10-ps time duration. We will also present a driver laser technology that can tune the electron bunch frequency with ease and help the growth of the high harmonics in the bunching spectrum of accelerated electrons. Experimental progress on this photoinjector will be reported in the conference.