Paper | Title | Page |
TUPB14 | Design Studies for Cascaded HGHG and EESHG Experiments Based on SDUV-FEL | 291 |
Funding: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10935011). As a test facility for modern FEL R&D, The Shanghai deep ultra-violent FEL (SDUV-FEL) is now under upgrading for the cascading two stage of HGHG experiment. It is found that this upgraded facility will be also well suited for the echo-enabled staged harmonic generation (EESHG) scheme demonstration. With help of 3D simulation codes, design studies on the FEL physics for both these two schemes based on the upgraded SDUV-FEL is presented in this paper. |
THPB09 | Study of the Microbunching Instablity in the LINAC of the Future Shanghai Soft X-ray FEL Facility (SXFEL) | 579 |
The microbunching instability in the LINAC of a FEL facility has always been an issue which may degrade the quality of the electron beam. As the result, the whole facility may not be working properly. Therefore, learning how to control and reduce the instability is the key to the success of a FEL project. Shanghai soft X-ray FEL project (SXFEL) has just been granted, once it is built, it will be the first X-ray FEL facility in China. In this article, detailed study will be given based on the design parameters of the facility to gain better understanding and control over the possible microbunching instability in SXFEL, which is important to the success of the project. | ||
THPB28 | The High Power Test Model of C-band Accelerating Structure for Compact XFEL at SINAP | 617 |
R&D of a C-band (5712 MHz) high gradient traveling-wave accelerating structure is being in progress at Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP). Conceptual design of the accelerating structure has been accomplished, and verified by the cold test of the experimental model. Now the first prototype structure is ready for high RF power test and the optimization of a new operating mode is proposed for developing a robust high gradient C-band struture. In this paper, the results of the cold test of the first prototype structure and the optimization details are introduced. | ||