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MOPC28 |
Fine Tuning of the K-parameter of Two Segments of the European XFEL Undulator Systems |
144 |
- Y. Li, J. Pflüger
European XFEL GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
- E. Gluskin
ANL, Argonne, USA
- N. Vinokurov
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
For large and segmented undulator systems as needed for the European XFEL a non-destructive, in situ, radiation diagnostics method would strongly compliment e-beam diagnostics. If such method would allow to fine tune the K parameter of individual undulator segments with an accuracy set by the Pierce parameter ρ, which is on the order of 2~3×10-4, this would provide a very helpful tool for FEL commissioning. This paper provides a first analysis of a strategy of tuning the K parameter of two adjacent undulator segments. The spontaneous, monochromatized, on axis intensity is analyzed as a function of the phase delay set by the phase shifter in between. It makes use of diagnostic equipment which will be available at the European XFEL anyway. First results are demonstrated and limitations will be discussed.