Author: Ditta, J.
Paper Title Page
TUPB30 Status of the Fritz Haber Institute THz FEL 315
  • W. Schöllkopf, W. Erlebach, S. Gewinner, H. Junkes, A. Liedke, G. Meijer, W.Q. Zhang, G. von Helden
    FHI, Berlin, Germany
  • H. Bluem, V. Christina, M.D. Cole, J. Ditta, D. Dowell, R. Lange, J.H. Park, J. Rathke, T. Schultheiss, A.M.M. Todd, L.M. Young
    AES, Medford, NY, USA
  • S.C. Gottschalk
    STI, Washington, USA
  • K. Jordan
    Kevin Jordan PE, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  • U. Lehnert, P. Michel, W. Seidel, R. Wünsch
    FZD, Dresden, Germany
  The THz FEL at the Fritz Haber Institute (FHI) in Berlin is designed to deliver radiation from 4 to 400 microns. A single-plane-focusing undulator combined with a 5.4 m long cavity is used is the mid-IR (< 50 micron), while a two-plane-focusing undulator in combination with a 7.2 m long cavity with a 1-d waveguide for the optical mode is used for the far-IR. A key aspect of the accelerator performance is low longitudinal emittance, < 50 keV-psec, at 200 pC bunch charge and 50 MeV from a gridded thermionic electron source. We utilize twin accelerating structures separated by a chicane to deliver the required performance over the < 20 - 50 MeV energy range. The first structure operates at near fixed field while the second structure controls the output energy, which, under some conditions, requires running in a decelerating mode. "First Light" is targeted for the centennial of the FHI in October 2011 and we will describe progress in the commissioning of this device. Specifically, the measured performance of the accelerated electron beam will be compared to design simulations and the observed matching of the beam to the mid-IR wiggler will be described.