Author: Cinquegrana, P.
Paper Title Page
TUOC4 Design and First Experience with the FERMI Seed Laser 183
  • M.B. Danailov, P. Cinquegrana, A.A. Demidovich, R. Ivanov, I. Nikolov, P. Sigalotti
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Italy
  Fermi@Elettra is the first fully seeding-based FEL. Laser operation was first demonstrated in December 2010 and later consistently studied during the runs in 2011. It is known that seeded operation puts heavy demands on the seed laser performance. This paper describes the design of the FERMI seed laser system, including the main laser as well as the most important subsystems and the issues that were solved to easily reach seeded operation. The main requirements to the seed were set by the use of High Gain Harmonic Generation FEL scheme and can be found in details in the FERMI CDR. Here we only recall that the seed needs to be broadly tunable in UV (down to 200 nm) with a peak power above 100 MW all over the tunability range. Obviously, such a tunability imposed the use of a parametric amplifier. For the first seeding comissioning, a fixed wavelength scheme was used, allowing much higher peak power. Here we present both solutions, showing the obtained performance and the limitations. The synchronization of the laser to the timing signals was of crucial importance for the successful seeded operation so the last part of the paper to the laser synchronization setup developed for FERMI.  
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