Author: Bentsen, G.S.
Paper Title Page
WEPA02 Thermal Acoustic Sensor for High Pulse Energy X-ray FEL Beams 334
  • T.J. Smith, J.C. Frisch, E.M. Kraft, J. Loos
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  • G.S. Bentsen
    Rochester University, Rochester, New York, USA
  Funding: Work supported by Department of Energy Contract DE AC03 76SF00515
The pulse en­ergy den­sity of X-ray FELs will sat­u­rate or de­stroy con­ven­tional X-ray di­ag­nos­tics, and the use of large beam at­ten­u­a­tion will re­sult in a beam that is dom­i­nated by har­mon­ics. We pre­sent re­sults at the LCLS from using a pulse en­ergy de­tec­tor based on the ther­mal acoustic ef­fect. In this type of de­tec­tor an X-ray re­sis­tant ma­te­r­ial (Boron Car­bide for this sys­tem) in­ter­cepts the beam. The pulse heat­ing of this ma­te­r­ial pro­duces an acoustic pulse that can be de­tected with high fre­quency mi­cro­phones to pro­duce a sig­nal that is lin­ear in the ab­sorbed en­ergy.