Author: Belomestnykh, S.A.
Paper Title Page
WEOA3 Proof-of-principle Experiment for FEL-based Coherent Electron Cooling 322
  • V. Litvinenko, S.A. Belomestnykh, I. Ben-Zvi, J.C. Brutus, A.V. Fedotov, Y. Hao, D. Kayran, G.J. Mahler, A. Marusic, G.T. McIntyre, W. Meng, M.G. Minty, I. Pinayev, V. Ptitsyn, T. Rao, T. Roser, B. Sheehy, S. Tepikian, R. Than, D. Trbojevic, J.E. Tuozzolo, G. Wang, V. Yakimenko
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  • D.T. Abell, G.I. Bell, D.L. Bruhwiler, C. Nieter, V.H. Ranjbar, B.T. Schwartz
    Tech-X, Boulder, Colorado, USA
  • A. Hutton, G.A. Krafft, M. Poelker, R.A. Rimmer
    JLAB, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  • M.A. Kholopov, O.A. Shevchenko, P. Vobly
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • P.A. McIntosh, A.E. Wheelhouse
    STFC/DL/ASTeC, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  Co­her­ent elec­tron cool­ing (CEC) has a po­ten­tial to sig­nif­i­cantly boost lu­mi­nos­ity of high-en­ergy, high-in­ten­sity hadron-hadron and elec­tron-hadron col­lid­ers [1]. In a CEC sys­tem, a hadron beam in­ter­acts with a cool­ing elec­tron beam. A per­tur­ba­tion of the elec­tron den­sity caused by ions is am­pli­fied and fed back to the ions to re­duce the en­ergy spread and the emit­tance of the ion beam. To demon­strate the fea­si­bil­ity of CEC we pro­pose a proof-of-prin­ci­ple ex­per­i­ment at RHIC using one of JLab’s SRF cryo-mod­ules. In this paper, we de­scribe the ex­per­i­men­tal setup for CeC in­stalled into one of RHIC's in­ter­ac­tion re­gions. We pre­sent re­sults of an­a­lyt­i­cal es­ti­mates and re­sults of ini­tial sim­u­la­tions of cool­ing a gold-ion beam at 40 GeV/u en­ergy via CeC.
[1] Vladimir N. Litvinenko, Yaroslav S. Derbenev, Physical Review Letters 102, 114801
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